First produced in 2010, Spirit Level is a light comedy written by Pam Valentine. Famous crime writer Jack Cameron and his beloved wife Susie meet a watery fate and are denied entry into heaven due to Jack's steadfast disbelief. Their spirits linger in the cozy country abode they once called home. Amidst the monotony of afterlife, they find solace in mischief, haunting the cottage to deter potential tenants. Their spectral existence takes a turn when they welcome in a young couple, Simon the aspiring writer, and Flic his expectant wife. As bonds form and tensions rise, Jack and Susie find themselves entwined in the couple's tumultuous tale. As winter's embrace and a newborn's arrival loom near, a crisis unfurls, prompting Jack to confront his deepest convictions in a gesture no atheist would dare dream of. Will this unexpected act alter the course of fate for all involved?
BOOK & LYRICS BY: Pam Valentine
DIRECTED BY: Paul Newman
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